
Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes and can be fatal to pets. Since mosquitoes live year-round and can come into your house, we recommend that all outdoor and indoor pets are given heartworm prevention year round (not just in the summer months). All dogs and cats should start heartworm prevention at 6 weeks of age.


Unfortunately, heartworm disease is hard to detect in cats. Testing is reserved for cats that show symptoms of the disease, such as severe respiratory problems.

However, it is much easier to detect heartworm disease in dogs. All that is required is a small blood sample. We recommend tests once yearly, even if your dog has been on prevention monthly (just to be sure!). If a dose has been missed, a heartworm test is recommended 6 months later (because it can take up to 6 months for enough heartworms to develop for significant test results). The first test should be done when he or she turns one.


Medical treatment for this terrible disease is not available for cats so prevention is vital! We sell Revolution for feline heartworm prevention.

Treatment for heartworm disease is expensive for dogs, so it is much easier to prevent. We sell Tri-Heart for canine heartworm prevention.

As stated before, there is no hearworm treatment for cats, but there is treatment for dogs. It's a long and difficult treatment so it's better to prevent!

»Difficulty breathing
»Tires easily
»Weight loss
»Rough hair coat

In many cases these are advanced symptoms. Many pets do not show signs in the early stages of heartworm disease. These can also be symptoms of other diseases.

Intestinal Worms

All puppies and kittens are born with intestinal worms and need to be dewormed. Deworm medication is administered in a two-stafe process: an initial dose with a follow-up in 3 - 4 weeks to ensure that all adult worms and their larvae are eliminated.
Tapeworms are also a big health concern. Tapeworms are segmented worms that look like dried rice and are transmitted by the ingestion of fleas or rodents. A one-time pill is given to elimate this type of intestinal worms.
**Important Warning!**
Beware or over-the-counter dewormers. They do not kill all the types of worms you pet can get, and can be deadly to young pets. Please contact our office so we can treat the problem safely and effectively with the proper medication.
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Cleveland Community Veterinaty Hospital.
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Web site created by Caitlin Mastafiak.
3315 North Shiloh Road
Garner, NC 27529
(919) 550-4000