A seizure is a symptom of dysfunction in the grey matter of the brain. Epilepsy is a condition of recurring seizures. Between 2 -3% of dogs and 5% of cats are epileptic
Seizures occur for a variety of reasons that fall into the categories of structural cause or metabolic causes. When neither of these type causes can be found the condition is calles Idiopathic Epilepsy. In the dog, about 80% of all cases of epilepsy are idiopathic. In the cat, 50% are idiopathic.
The first principal in the treatment of epilepsy is to treat the underlying case if one can be found. This is why bloodwork (CBC chemistry) is done to form an initial database to look for any abnormalities in the blood parameters. Further blood tests may be necessary depending upon the initial bloodwork results. Skull x-rays, EEG, CDF (cerebral fluid tap) and MRI scans may be deemed necessary initially to further diagnose a suspected cause, or may be needed later on in therapy if seizures are not controlled or become refreactory to treatment.
What are the chances of achieving seizure control? Current estimates of the success of antiepileptic therapy in the veterinary patients range from 50% to 80% of cases.
Treatment objectives:
» Decrease number of seizures
» Decrease severity of individual seizures
» Increase time between seizure episodes
» Decrease postictal effects
» Use a single drug
When should antiepileptic therapy begin?
There is no pre-set indicator of when exactly to begin. The typical guildelines for starting therapy for isolated seizures are:
» waiting for the third seizure so that two interictal periods can be ascertained
» if there is more than one seizure every 4 - 6 weeks, start therapy
» more than 10 -12 seizures in one year (for seizures occuring irregularly)
» few seizures but intensity or duration is increasing