The following information is copied from the brochure "Love is..." (which is also available in our office) provided by the makers of K laser.

Love is...

...relieving their pain with the latest breakthrough in technology.

Laser therapy significantly reduces pain and speeds up healing.

What is laser therapy?

We are proud to introduce K laser Class IV laser therapy for your pets. Its beneficial uses include alleviating chronic pain, accelerating healing & rehabilitation and much, much more! Class IV means far more power than was previously available for laser therapy.

Photobiomodulation is the scientific term for K laser's effect on tissue. Deep-penetrating photons from the laser influence cell chemistry in a variety of beneficial ways. In addition, the infrared wavelengths create a warm sensation in your pet's body at the precise location requiring treatment. Treatment time, power and laser pulse frequency are based on your pet's individual condition and body size.

After surgery, patients receiving laser therapy have less pain. Their recovery is faster, with fewer complications.

What do professionals say?

"...about 80% of what we're doing is for pain relief - increasing range of motion, things like that - for orthopedic conditions. At least ¾ of the clients are ecstatic about it - they think this is the best thing that's happened...what the owners can judge is, how active is the dog? How frisky? So most - the big majority - are very happy because they think the dogs are happier." -Florida veterinarian talking about the uses and client response in his practice.

"It certainly is a way of accelerating allows us to get the incision to heal quicker...and to treat the underlying tissues, especially the muscle that has been elevated off the spine." - NC veterinarian [rehabilitation specialist] speaking about disk surgery recovery
"They're seeing their pets in a whole new way. Some of these animals that have been down and out, sore and not responsive to other treatments, have been helped...jumping in the back of the car a couple of treatments's been great." - Florida technician who has treated over 40 patients
Where is it beneficial?
Pain Management
Pet owners often prefer a progressive, non-invasive therapy to a drug regimen for the treatment of chronic pain. K laser therapy provides that solution.
Wound Healing
Laser therapy can significantly reduce healing time. Traumatic skin injuries and surgical incisions benefit greatly from laser intervention.
Musculoskeletal injuries and orthopedic surgeries often require additional rehabilitation solutions. Laser therapy provides non-invasive remedies for quicker recovery.
Class IV laser therapy has been very successful in the field of human medicine. We are pleased and excited to be able to offer it for the treatment of our best friends!
What to expect...

There is no patient sedation or restraint required - the experience is usually pleasant and comforting to them. Most pets do not need to have their hair clipped.

Although improvement is often seen after the first visit, most patients require several treatments [3 to 8] for greatest benefit. For most conditions, we recommend a multi-visit treatment plan. Treatments vary in length, but most sites require 2 to 8 minutes. A majority of patients exhibit greater comfort and mobility within 12 to 24 hours after a laser treatment.

Class IV laser therapy treatments are cumulative in nature. The length and frequency of treatments varies with your pet's condition.
A sample treatment schedule is as follows:

  • Every other day for one week [3 total]
  • Twice the second week
  • Once the third week
  • Boosters as needed


If you would like more information, or think your pet would benefit from laser therapy and would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (919) 550-4000.
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Cleveland Community Veterinaty Hospital.
All rights reserved.
Web site created by Caitlin Mastafiak.
3315 North Shiloh Road
Garner, NC 27529
(919) 550-4000